Tuesday, October 11, 2011

video shot

Things I knew.
     1. Get an establishing shot.
     2. Avoid fast pans.
Things I did not know.
     1. Use trucking shots.
     2. Lean forwards or backwards.

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Great Pumpkin

1. What is the angle in the Pumped for Pumpkins story?
to show how he cares for his pumpkin
2. Give two examples of short sound bites from the story.
he named it chewbacca. and the relationship one.
3. Give an example of sequenced shots.
how the shot the story

Friday, October 7, 2011

Shayna's Story

1. What is the role of the reporter's seques in this story?
       To move from point to point in the story.

2. Why do you think she did not include a stand-up in the story?
     Because it would ruin the story because it is so touching.

3. What is the biggest surprise in the story?
     That she was pregnant when it happened and the the baby survived and was born with no complications.

4. How does the story end with hope?
     With the baby on a swing smiling and laughing and with her pushing him and that they are both perfectly fine.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs

he was the creator of apple. im sure he was very rich he died yestereday im sure he lived a great life.he was a chairman of the walt disney company scince 2006. he was the majority stock holder of walt disney with 50.01 percent of their stock. august 24 2011 he resigned from ceo of apple

Monday, September 26, 2011

Washington Monument Damage

The topic is the damage done to the Washington Monument after a 5.3 magnitude earthquake. I would say the angle is from the engineer who inspected it. Human intrest is The criteria... it is intersting to me. Footage of the earquake and hurricane and footage of the cracks and water inside of it. and footage of the meeting they had about the damage done to it.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Falling NASA Satalite

One of NASA's old satalites is falling it will be the biggest uncontrolled falling object from nasa to fall out of the outer space in 32 years. its expected to hit sometime tomorow there hoping it will land in the Pacific Ocean but they are not sure on the exact time or the exact place where it will land. there hoping it will be in the water somewhere because the earth is 73% water. It is a six ton satalite that died officials say that it will not be passing over north america at all. they say 26 peices should survive on account for 1,200 pounds of the 6 ton weight. the biggest peice weighing over 300 pounds they say peices could scatter for up to a 500 mile radius of the crash zone.